Saraṇāgamana Yoga Academy

Mindful breathe in...


The last arrow
The art of archery and the practice of Yoga.

The distracted mind accomplishes nothing. Pain (Duḥkha) distracts the mind. The focused mind finds its target.

Even the anticipation of pain distracts the mind.

The first practice, Karma Yoga. Contemplation of the body and mind.
The second practice, Bhakti Yoga. Contemplation of the sacrifice.
The third practice, Jhanna Yoga. Contemplation of the dharma.

"Mindful the bow, see only the aim.
Mindful aim.
-Bhikkhu Gacchami

"So bhikkhus, let your task be:
This is suffering;
This is the orgin of suffering;
This is the cessation of suffering;
This is the way leading to the cessation of suffering (Nibbana)."
-Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta [Wikipedia]

"If bodhisattva has
Notion of self,
Notion of Person,
Notion of being,
Notion of life,
Then not a bodhisattva."
-Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra (Diamond Sutra) (PDF) [Wikipedia]

"O now, when the Bardo of the Reality upon me is dawning,
Abandoning all awe, fear, and terror of all [phenomena],
May I recognize whatever appeareth as being mine own thought-forms,
May I know them to be apparitions in the Intermediate State;
[It hath been said], 'There arriveth a time when the chief turning-point is reached; Fear not the bands of the Peaceful and Wrathful, Who are thine own thought-forms."
-Bardo Thodol (The Tibetan Book of the Dead) (PDF) [Wikipedia]
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